Cibening News From The Field

Wedding Party

One of guardians, Caci, held a wedding party for his daughter Riri.

Like other Indonesian, he prepared the party for the reception after
the wedding ceremony. Usually, family and relatives were invited to
attend the weeding ceremony in the morning and after that the groom
and the bride were ready to welcome the guests, all the neighbor,
their office colleagues or friends and their both parent’s friends.
All the people congratulated and gave them wedding gifts or money
in the envelopes.

Sometimes, there was an entertainment for the guest, can be traditional
dances, music or songs and all people participated on the stage,
they could dance or sang. Like other wedding entertainment, the band
and the singers received money not only from the host but also the guests.

In the same week, Bana, is one of the worker, got married but the party
was held in the next village, where the bride lives.

All the workers and their family came to the two parties, because the parties
were held on Friday, the workers day off. They took turn to come to the party,
some of them should stay in the plantation.

“ Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet
our roots remain as one “ (Unknown)

Dewi & Zaini attend the reception

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