In Indonesia, there are two types of hospital: Private Hospitals and Government
Hospitals. For government hospitals, there are several classes depend on the
location and the scope of the service. The Province General Hospital, The
Kabupaten (Regency) General Hospital, Puskesmas (Pusat Kesehatan
Masyarakat) at Kecamatan and Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu) at Kelurahan
or RW (Rukun Warga) in small area about 50 to 100 families.
At Posyandu, there are female volunteers and a midwife who can help women
who are pregnant or who take the Birth Control Program/Family Planning
Program, babies or children below 6 years old. Mostly children have free
vaccination and nutrition program.
The people who are sick and the midwife can not give an assistance, will be sent to
Puskesmas. At Puskesmas, there is one doctor and one dentist and a midwife,
sometimes people can have a small surgery or give birth and children can have
circumcision. For big Puskesmas, there are some rooms for patients (mothers
who has just given births).
For the patients who need to stay longger and have serious health problems then
they have to go to the general hospital at Province.
In the villages, we can find Posyandu with very limited equipment, only baby
scale, children scale with length measurement, they do not have a blood pressure
measurement, thermometer. The posyandu does not open every day, usually it
opens once a week or once a month, depends on the midwife availability. The
midwife often brings contraception like birth control pills for the mothers and
immunization series for the babies.
Cibening Village has Posyandu “Kemuning”. It is located at Mrs. Leni’s house or
the porch, together with the midwife, Eva, she helps to write patients data,
distribute vitamins or birth control pills or makes rice porridge or green bean
porridge for the children.
One of Goldteak CSR programs, is to support people for their health and
education. Every month Goldteak gives vitamin for the children and the
guardians, birth control pills for the women or other medicine like cough syrup,
headache tablets or helminthic. In regular time, Goldteak also gives a health
counseling to the guardians family to have a clean house (some of the villagers do
not have toilets) so they have a communal one, and give information about the
nutrition for the family especially the children.
“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything”.
(Arabian Proverb)