Cibening News From The Field

Nutrition for Trees

The teak trees are 4 months old, they grow well and healthy. To make the trees are always healthy, we have to do maintaining like cutting wild grass (sedge-grass) around the trees, giving insecticide and fungicide to protect the trees from insects pest and fungi.

090607 Teaks beside house-2 (1)

Sedge-grass take the soil nutrition near the trees, when we cut them the soil around the trees will receive the ultra violet and it will help the trees absorb the nutrition well.

090607 Guardian DEDE M spraying regular treatment to teaks

Other grass like King Grass is needed to avoid erosion in sloping land, teak trees have stilt rood and for the young ones they are not strong enough to hold the soil, the King grass will help the trees to keep the nutrition so the roots can absorb the food easily.

090607 Guardian OLEH making the terraces

The area of plantation is surrounded by agricultural area like pddy field and vegetables garden , the pest which attack this area will migrate easily to the plantation by wind or beetles.

We have to make terraces on the sloping land, not only to protect the land from erosion but also to give the trees enough sun light from all sides.

There are several trees can not survive from decease caused death, most of the cases are from the pests, fungi or less treatment.

The plantation now looks green, we can see from the guardians houses or gazebos. The trees grow taller, the leafs grow bigger and the root grow stronger.

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