This year the summer starts from late April or early May, the Drought season will be in August and September. In several places in Indonesia there has been a drought and lack of water discharge, almost never raining during July.
In Cibening village, well water has been reduced, enough for bathing and washing. For cooking they must take clean water from a spring in other village.
Goldteak plantation still has springs and wells that can be used for washing and bathing, for drinking water, Zaini, the site manager brings drinking water from Cicurug village.
The dry season is always longer in Cibening village, but people are used to overcoming water problems.
Teak trees appear to have begun to molt, the soil is covered by dry leaves. Goldteak plantation still looks green on the hill. Nature has its own law, when the season comes the nature will follow and adjust.
“ Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” (Mark Twain)