Cibening News From The Field

Why trees need pruning

Seasons help trees grow naturally, water and sunlight make the trunks bigger
and have branches and plenty of leaves. When growing trees is a business,
we have to make sure that the trees grow healthy and free from diseases.
One of the regular treatment is pruning, actually pruning a tree is removing
specific branches or stems, especially dead, damaged and diseased branches
and to help prevent insect and decay organism from entering the tree.
The best time to prune is end of rainy season to minimize sap loss, but we can
prune the trees when we see unnecessary branches. Pruning also makes narrower
the canopy, it increases air and sunlight and resulting in fewer disease problems
and gives more nutrition to the soil.

When you see that your branches refuse to grow and produce good fruit,
know that it’s time to your pruning season. (www.fitand

Teaks pruning

Pruning branches

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