Cibening News From The Field

Rice Farmers in Cibening Village

Although Indonesia is the third-largest country regarding global rice
production, it is still a rice importer. This situation is caused by
farmers’use of non-optimal production technique in combination with
large per capita rice consumption (by a large population).
In fact, Indonesia has the largest per capita rice consumption in
the world with Indonesians consuming around 140 kilogram of rice
per person per year.

Entering Cibening village, we still find rice field and cassaa
plantation on the right and left sides. Unfortunately the rice and
the cassava are not consumed by themselves. They lease the land to plant
rice and cassava and share half for the land lord when they harvest.
Hopefully, the land lords will still keep the land for the rice farming
not change it to other purpose like for rise chicken or housing area.

If you are planning for a year, sow rice;

if you are planning for a decade, plant trees;

if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. (Chinese Proverbs)

Planting rice

Harvest time

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