Expanding Gold Teak

Playing in the Rice Field

Every harvest season, the villagers are always happy. Not only the owners of the fields or the cultivators, but the children also feel happy, because they can play on the dry field.

In the morning when the sun is not yet high or in the afternoon before the sun goes down, the children will go to the fields. Dry rice fields become a children’s playground, they can play foot ball, volley ball, hopscotch, fortress game or play kites.

Games do not recognize gender, but boys and girls have their own favorite games, sometimes they can play together like hide & seek, clogs, stilts or jump rope.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, children rarely gather to play, they can only play around the house or in the school yard in a small group. The parents always remind them to wear masks when they play outside. They are always happy study at home even though they miss playing in the fields.

Cibening News From The Field

Nursery for Teak Seedlings

Goldteak has a small and simple nursery, it is located in the plantation. The nursery is used to grow the young teak trees which found around the teak trees or to make teak germination.

Teak is propagated mainly from seeds, the seeds are soaked in water for 12 hours and put them in the sun for 12 hours, repeated for  a week or two, usually the seeds are sown in germination beds. The seeds will be germinated after 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

The young trees can be used to replace the broken or fallen trees cause of landslide or lightning. The young teak trees also can be used to replace the unproductive fruit trees.

Pengembangan GoldTeak

Senang Belajar di Rumah

Sudah lebih setahun, murid-murid SD Cibeureum belajar di rumah. Mereka jarang sekali belajar di Sekolah, hanya untuk keperluan ulangan atau ujian mereka ke Sekolah.

Hampir setiap hari mereka belajar sendiri, dengan saudara atau dengan beberapa teman di rumah. Mereka mengerjakan pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh guru bersama-sama.

Mereka hampir tidak pernah bermain bersama-sama seperti sebelum ada pandemi Covid-19. Kalau mereka bermain bola atau bermain bola voli hanya dengan beberapa teman saja. Mereka lebih sering membaca buku atau menonton televisi di rumah dengan teman atau dengan tetangga.

Kebiasaan baru untuk menjaga jarak ketika bertemu, sering untuk mencuci tangan dan selalu memakai masker ketika ke luar rumah sudah tidak menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda. Orang tua, dewasa atau anakanak, semua warga Cibening mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Sampai hari ini, belum ada warga yang terjangkit Covid-19.

Expanding Gold Teak

Study from Home Happily

It’s been more than a year, the students of Cibeureum Elementary School are studying at home. They go to school, only for taking test or exams. Almost every day they study by themselves, or with their siblings or with some friends at home. They do their assignments which are given by the teachers or just play at their yards,

They hardly ever play together like before the Covid-19 pandemic. They play football or volleyball with only a few friends, they can not play with many friends. They often read books or watch television with the neighbors.

The new habit of keeping a distance when meeting, often washing hands and always wearing a mask when going out is no longer something difficult. Old or young people, all Cibening residents follow health protocols. Up to now, no residents have been infected with Covid-19.

Bumisari Kunjungan Lapangan

Pohon Jati yang Sehat

Jarak antara desa Cibening dan desa Bumisari adalah dua jam perjalanan dengan mobil atau satu jam dengan sepedamotor. Perkebunan jati di desa Bumisari hanya dua hektar saja, ini adalah proyek percontohan. Pohon jati yang ditanam adalah jenis jati Jawa dan jati Asia.

Tanah sawah yang tidak lagi ditanami padi tapi ditanami jati.Struktur tanah yang kering hanya tergantung kepada curah hujan cukup baik untuk pertumbuhan jati.

Sekarang usia pohon sudah lebih dari 15 tahun, sehat dan tidak pernah diserang hama & penyakit, pohon yang sehat mempunyai kualitas kayu yang sangat baik.

Bumisari News From The Field

Good Tree Has Good Wood

The distance between Cibening village and Bumisari village is about two hours away by car or one hour by motorbike. The teak plantation in Bumisari village is only two hectares, this is a pilot project. The teak trees planted are Javanese teak and Asian teak.

The villager stopped planting rice there because they only depended on the rainfall, the soil is not good enough for planting rice, it is suitable for planting teaks.

The teak trees are more than 15 years old now, they are healthy and never attacked by pests & diseases, the trees have good wood with best quality.

Pengembangan GoldTeak

Buku Cerita Dongeng

Selama tahun terakhir ketika sebagian besar negara mengalami periode pengurungan dan orang-orang harus membatasi waktu mereka dihabiskan di luar, buku telah terbukti menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk memerangi isolasi, memperkuat ikatan antar manusia, memperluas wawasan kita, sekaligus merangsang pikiran dan kreativitas kita. Di beberapa negara, jumlah buku yang dibaca meningkat dua kali lipat.

Pandemi Covid-19 sudah berlangsung lebih dari setahun, murid-murid SD Cibeurem tidak belajar di sekolah tetapi di rumah masing-masing, bertemu dengan guru dengan cara daring. Murid-murid mudah merasa bosan, dan mereka juga tidak boleh sering berkumpul dengan teman-teman di luar rumah.

Untuk membantu para murid agar tidak bosan dan tetap bersemangat, Goldteak memberi donasi buku-buku bacaan cerita dan pengetahuan. Mereka membaca bergiliran dan tetap dipantau oleh guru. Mereka juga diberikan beberapa kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan alam sekitar, mencintai lingkungan dengan menanam pohon dan membersihkan lingkungan agar bebas polusi sampah disekitar rumah mereka.

“ Dongeng lebih dari nyata, bukan karena dongeng memberi tahu kita bahwa naga itu ada, tetapi karena dongeng memberi tahu kita bahwa naga bisa ditaklukkan.” (Neil Gaiman)


Expanding Gold Teak

Fairy Tales

During the last year when most countries have seen periods of confinement and people have had to limit their time spent outside, books have proved to be powerful tools to combat isolation, reinforce ties between people, expand our horizons, while stimulating our minds and creativity. In some countries the number of books read has doubled.

Covid-19 pandemic has been over a year, students of SD Cibeurem do not study at school but at their homes and two times a week they meet their teachers online. Students get bored easily, and they also shouldn’t hang out with friends outside the home often.

To help students not to get bored and stay excited, Goldteak donated story books and science books. They take turns reading and are still monitored by the teacher. They were also given several activities related to the natural surroundings, take care the environment by planting trees and collecting plastic garbage so they make their village is free from garbage pollution.

“Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” (Neil Gaiman)


Cibening Kunjungan Lapangan

Tanaman Jati Penyerap Karbondioksida

Setiap jenis tanaman memang memiliki kadar penyerapan karbondioksida yang berbeda-beda. Banyak faktor dan sebab yang mempengaruhi hal ini, antara lain berdasarkan mutu klorofil yang ada dalam daun, yang ditentukan oleh banyak sedikitnya magnesium yang menjadi inti klorofil.

Semakin besar tingkat magnesium yang dikandung dalam klorofil tumbuhan, warna daun akan semakin berwarna hijau gelap. Sehingga membantu mengoptimalkan proses fotosintesis yang terjadi. Selain itu tumbuhan atau pohon buah-buahan termasuk golongan penyerap karbon yang paling baik. Faktor lainnya yang ikut menentukan daya serap karbondioksida adalah suhu, dan sinar matahari, ketersediaan air.

Pohon Jati, Mahoni dan Akasia termasuk tanaman yang bisa menyerap karbondiaksida dengan penyerapan yang sangat baik. Tanaman lainnya adalah Trembesi, beringin, Matoa, Saga, Flamboyan, Asam dan masih ada lagi lainnya.


Cibening News From The Field

Teak Plants Absorb Carbon Dioxide

Each type of plant has a different absorption rate of carbon dioxide. Many factors and causes influence this, including the quality of chlorophyll in the leaves, which is determined by the amount of magnesium which is the core of the chlorophyll.

The greater the level of magnesium contained in plant chlorophyll, the darker green the leaves will be. This helps optimize the photosynthesis process. In addition, plants or fruit trees are among the best carbon absorbers. Other factors that determine the absorption capacity of carbon dioxide are temperature, sunlight, and water availability.

Teak, Mahogany, and Acacia trees are plants that absorb carbon dioxide very well. Other plants are Tamarind, Banyan, Matoa, Saga, Flamboyan (Delonix Regia), and many others.


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