Pengembangan GoldTeak

Belajar berkebun

Upi adalah anak laki2nya pak Parid, salah satu pengawas kebun. Saat ini dia
belajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas, kelas delapan, ketika dia belajar di SD
Cibeurem, dia cukup berprestasi. Setiap kunjungan ke kebun dan berkeliling
melihat dan memeriksa pohon Jati, Upi dan beberapa teman2 sekolahnya ikut
serta. Kami sering berjalan di kebun Jati sambil bernyanyi. Saya selalu
memberi dia tugas untuk menjadi ketua, berjalan paling depan dan menuntun
ke jalan yang bisa kami lalui. Tidak jarang ketika kami tiba di kebun yang
paling atas, kami bersama-sama melihat sekeliling dan salah satu dari mereka
bercerita tentang desa tetangga yang sudah memiliki listrik, televisi, ada SMP
yang memiliki halaman luas untuk bermain bola, juga ada Puskesmas dengan
seorang dokter.

Setiap hari Upi kesekolah naik sepeda motor, jarak rumahnya dan SMP
Cimanggala 4 km. Di sekolah dia termasuk anak yang berprestasi, di waktu
luangnya, dia dan adik2nya membantu bapaknya berkebun dan memelihara
kambing, ayam dan bebek. Dua bulan yang lalu, ketika SD Cibeureum mulai
program menanam sayuran dengan cara hidroponik, Upik juga mencoba
menanam kangkung di halaman depan rumahnya. Kadang-kadang dia
mengajak salah satu teman SMPnya untuk ikut berkebun. Sayuran kangkung
akan dipanen dua minggu lagi, disarankan agar Upi menjual hasil kebunnya
dan dia bisa mulai menabung dari hasil menanam dan menjual kangkung.

“ Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later “
(Og Mandino)

Ibu Dewi & Upi

water spinach planted by Upi

Cibening News From The Field


Hilly area usually has a steep ground with different level of slope.

When the land is used for paddy field, vegetable garden or hard wood
plantation, we need to make a Terracing way to avoid a landslide.

In some areas, although the Terracing way is applied, in rainy season
it is possible to have a landslide in a water crossings. The strong water
flow will erode the land wall and the landslide can not be avoided.
It is suggested to make a strong water gutter and a bit deep or build a
rock wall/bamboo wall or plant trees which have strong roots
(like bamboo or shrubs)

To save trees and the land is important but to avoid the landslide to
protect people is more important.

“ The rain follows after the forest “ (Hawaiian proverb)

critical area

Cibening Kunjungan Lapangan


Perbukitan selalu memiliki lahan yang tidak rata dan kemiringan tanah yang
tidak sama. Apabila lahan ini dibuat perkebunan baik perkebunan tanaman
pangan atau tanaman kayu keras, perlu dibuat sistem terasering atau lahan
berundak. Tujuannya adalah agar lahan itu itu mudah longsor.

Tetapi walaupun sudah dibuat terasering, pada saat musim hujan akan terjadi
juga longsor, walaupun tidak parah. Biasanya ditempat perlintasan air,
tanahnya akan tergerus dan terbawa air, sehingga longsor tidak bisa dihindari.

Hal yang sangat disarankan untuk menghindari kelongsoran di bagian tanah
yang kritis, dibuatkan selokan tempat perlintasan air turun. Membuat dinding
batu atau bambu atau menanam tanaman perdu yang memiliki akar serabut
agar tanah tidak mudah terbawa arus.

“Hujan mengikuti di mana ada hutan”. (Hawaiian proverb)

Cibening News From The Field

Dry season at the Teak plantation

Have you seen or visited the Teak plantation on the dry season?
From the distance, we saw the brown landscape on the hill, very
few spots looked green. When we were in the plantation, almost
all trees had no leaves and the ground was full with dry leaves.
The air was hot and we felt the wind also blew hot, sometimes our
eyes felt hurt and itchy, our skin dry and always felt thirsty.

Only few birds flew and almost no frogs in the water spring or
near the wells because only little water left there.

At the same time we can measure how big the trees grow, every year
the tree has one more circumference. The trees bark are full with
ants or termites, they pill out the bark. This is the nature way
to let the trees breathe and get more sunlight.

This year, we should be happy because all trees are healthy and grow fast.

“ All seasons have something to offer “ (Jeannette Walls)

Falling leaves & growing trees

Cibening Kunjungan Lapangan

Musim panas di kebun Jati

Pernahkan berkunjung ke kebun Jati pada saat musim panas? Dari kejauhan,
kita bisa melihat pemandangan alam berwarna kecoklatan di atas bukit, hanya
sedikit bagian yang nampak hijau. Ketika kita berada di kebun, semua yang
berwarna coklat itu adalah pohon-pohon yang sudah tidak memiliki daun dan
daun-daun yang rontok itu memenuhi dan menutupi tanah.

Udara menyengat sangat panas, bahkan angin yang bertiup pun terasa panas
juga, kadang-kadang mata terasa perih dan gatal, kulit kita kering dan selalu
merasa haus.

Hanya ada beberapa burung yang terbang dan hampir tidak ada kodok di
sekitar mata air dan sumur karena airnya hanya sedikit.

Pada saat musim panas kita bisa mengukur batang pohon, seberapa besar
diameter bertambah tahun ini. Setelah musim hujan berlalu, kulit pohon
dipenuhi oleh semut dan rayap, mereka menggerogoti kulit kayu sampai habis.
Secara alami semut dan rayap itu membantu pohon bernafas dan menyerap
lebih banyak sinar matahari.

Tahun ini, kita harus bergembira karena semua pohon sehat dan tumbuh

“ Setiap musim selalu menawarkan banyak hal”. (Jeannette Walls)

Cibening News From The Field

Wedding Party

One of guardians, Caci, held a wedding party for his daughter Riri.

Like other Indonesian, he prepared the party for the reception after
the wedding ceremony. Usually, family and relatives were invited to
attend the weeding ceremony in the morning and after that the groom
and the bride were ready to welcome the guests, all the neighbor,
their office colleagues or friends and their both parent’s friends.
All the people congratulated and gave them wedding gifts or money
in the envelopes.

Sometimes, there was an entertainment for the guest, can be traditional
dances, music or songs and all people participated on the stage,
they could dance or sang. Like other wedding entertainment, the band
and the singers received money not only from the host but also the guests.

In the same week, Bana, is one of the worker, got married but the party
was held in the next village, where the bride lives.

All the workers and their family came to the two parties, because the parties
were held on Friday, the workers day off. They took turn to come to the party,
some of them should stay in the plantation.

“ Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet
our roots remain as one “ (Unknown)

Dewi & Zaini attend the reception

Cibening Kunjungan Lapangan

Pesta Perkawinan

Salah satu pekerja, Caci, mengadakan hajatan perkawinan putrinya, Riri.
Seperti halnya orang Indonesia, dia telah menyiapkan pesta resepsi siang hari
setelah acara akad nikah selesai di pagi hari. Tidak seperti pesta perkawinan
lainnya yang biasa diadakan pada akhir pekan, keluarga pak Caci mengadakan
acara perkawinan pada hari Senin, karena hari itu mereka anggap hari terbaik
dan hari keberuntungan.

Dia mengundang sanak keluarga, teman-teman di kebun, dan para tetangga.
Untuk hiburan, pak Zaini, manajer kebun, memberikan sumbangan hiburan
musik Dangdut. Para tamu dijamu dengan makan siang serta hiburan berjoget
diatas panggung.

Istri pak Caci juga menyiapkan makan siang yang lengkap disertai kue-kue
Semua tamu merasa gembira, terlebih para pekerja yang bisa menghadiri
resepsi pada saat jam makan siang, karena setelah selesai makan siang
mereka harus kembali bekerja di kebun.
Di minggu yang sama, Bana, pekerja yang masih bujangan, juga menikah dan
akan mengadakan pesta perkawinan pada hari Jumat. Acara tersebut akan
diadakan di rumah calon istrinya. Karena hari Jumat para pekerja libur, maka
mereka bisa menghadiri acara pernikahan di pagi hari serta acara resepsi
perkawinan di siang harinya sekali gus.

“Keluarga laksana cabang dan dahan, tumbuh bersama walaupun berbeda
arah, memiliki akar tetap sama” (peribahasa tidak dikenal)

Expanding Gold Teak

Learning Abacus

It is difficult to imagine counting without numbers, but there was a time
when numbers did not exist. The earliest counting device was the human hand
and its fingers. Then, as larger quantities (larger than ten human -fingers
could represent) were counted, various natural items like pebbles and twigs
were used to help count. Merchants in those days not only needed a way
to count goods they bought and sold, but also to calculate its cost.
Until numbers were invented, counting devices were used to make everyday
calculations. The abacus is one of many counting devices invented to help
count large numbers (Abacus Master)

The children who study in SD Cibeureum were exited when the program of Abacus
was introduced to them. All students, teachers and the Principal, Mr. Suprapto,
practiced Abacus together with Mr. Syamsul, the Abacus trainer. They learn from
the basic how to calculate by using the abacus, starting with simple calculation.

We have to wait and see how big their interest to the Abacus. After a month,
the practice goes to the second level of difficulties, now they are already on
the third level of difficulties. We showed the children a video about some
children in India, how fast they can count with imaginative abacus,
the video has motivated the students and the teachers to practice more seriously.
Someday we will make a small Abacus competition among the students,
it must be interesting.

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere” (Chinese Proverb)

Pengembangan GoldTeak

Belajar Sempoa

Sulit membayangkan bagaimana berhitung tanpa angka, tapa ada kalanya angka
tidak diperlukan. Alat hitung pada awalnya hanya jari-jari tangan, kemudian
ketika jumlah perhitungan melebihi jari tangan, dipakailah kerikil atau ranting.
Para pedagang pada saat itu memerlukan bukan saja cara untuk menghitung
barang yang mereka jual dan beli tetapi juga menghitung ongkosnya. Sampai saat
ditemukannya angka, alat bantu hitung masih dipergunakan untuk keperluan
sehari-hari. Sempoa adalah salah satu alat hitung yang ditemukan untuk
membantu perhitungan yang besar (Abacus Master).

Anak-anak yang belajar di SD Cibeureum sangat senang ketika Sempoa
diperkenalkan kepada mereka. Semua murid, guru-guru bahkan Kepala Sekolah
juga ikut belajar bersama dengan pak Syamsul, seorang guru/pelatih Sempoa.
Mereka belajar dari dasar bagaimana memakai Sempoa ketika berhitung.
Kita harus menunggu dan melihat seberapa besar ketertarikan mereka dengan
Sempoa. Setelah sebulan mereka berlatih di tingkat dasar mereka bisa terus
melanjutkan ke tingkat yang lebih sulit. Kami memperlihatkan sebuah video
bagaimana siswa sekolah di India dengan cepatnya berhitung memakai imajinatif
Sempoa. Video itu telah membuat para guru dan siswa belajar lebih rajin lagi.
Pasti akan sangat menarik apabila suatu hari diadakan lomba berhitung dengan

“ Belajar itu adalah harta yang selalu mengukuti pemiliknya kemanapun pergi”.
(Chinese Proverb)

Expanding Gold Teak


How many story books, science books, children magazines or children
encyclopedia have been given by PT Goldteak to SD Cibeurem?
There were a lot but it seems that the books were never enough for the
students. The 78 students should share about 10 to 15 books every month,
so no wonder at the end of the month the condition of the books were
very poor. The students are always enthusiastic to read and they always
wait ibu Dewi visits the school and read story (mostly fable in two
languages, Indonesian and English), she asked one of the students to join
her reading the story, when she reads the English version and the student
reads the Indonesian version. Ibu Dewi and the students usually sit at the
school porch, so younger children and people are able to hear the story too.

This activity has influenced the student’s intelligence, they can learn how
to comprehend the story, to identify the characters, to differentiate the
voice/tone and to respond or to retell. Step by step, students develop their
cognitive ability and social or emotional intelligence.

This year, Eneng Indriani won a storytelling competition in Sukabumi Regency,
she used a local language “Sundanese” to tell a story about “The Mouse-deer
Stole Cucumbers“. She told the story very well, her expression and her voice
showed different characters (as a mouse-deer, as a dog and as a farmer).
She is now on her grade five and she is one of the students who received the
advantage and benefit of PT Goldteak’s CSR, and she becomes a motivation for
other students.

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today”
(Robert McKee)



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