Expanding Gold Teak

Scholarship Program for SD Cibeureum

This year Goldteak supported the school by donating books, children magazines, encyclopedia and guidance books for teaching. This is not just a charity project, but a program to help the schools teach the children for a successful future.

We have implemented a support program that requires that the children participate in a business venture and earn some of the money needed to pay for their supplies, and Goldteak matches that amount to help cover costs.

Goldteak also helped to enhance the teachers skills by providing four learning days with an outside consultant.

This year marked great improvement in the competitions that schools participate in, bringing home to Cibening more awards.  The school has been chosen by the local government in Sukabumi as a ‘Model School’ because of its growth and the unique cooperation with a local corporation.

Goldteak is very proud of its commitment to the 3 P’s:  People, Planet and Profit.

Cibening Kunjungan Lapangan

Tunjangan Hari Raya

Nama-nama para pekerja di perkebunan :

Zaini Lutvi selaku Manager Lapangan.

Parid & Budi selaku Pengawas Perkebunan.

Pekerja Perkebunan:

Ganda bekerja di perkebunan Bumisari bersama dengan 20 pekerja lainnya yang bekerja di perkebunan Cibening, yaitu: Maman, Kudil, Caci, Bana (single), Oleh, Oni, Ater, Aji, Kusnadi, Ajat, Dede P (putra dari Parid & belum menikah)), Dede M (putra dari Majun & belum menikah), Adun, Kading, Heni, Deni, Jaji, Sidem, Majun, Andri (belum menikah).

Panen Buah-buahan :

Saat ini, beberapa pohon buah sedang berbuah tetapi tidak begitu produktif, pohon-pohon tersebut adalah: 2 pohon Mangga, 1 pohon Sawo yang baru saja berbuah untuk pertama kalinya, 2 pohon Leci dan beberapa pohon Jeruk. Berharap dimusim hujan yang akan datang, semua pohon-pohon buah akan berbuah. Meskipun buah-buahnya tidak banyak dan kualitasnya tidak terlalu bagus (mungkin masih mulai berbuah) tetapi dapat dijual.




Bonus Lebaran :

Tahun ini semua karyawan GoldTeak dan pekerja perkebunan menerima Bonus Lebaran (THR berasal dari singkatan Tunjangan Hari Raya = bonus sebesar 1 bulan gaji yang diberikan kepada umat yang beragama Islam, Cristian, Budhis, dan Hindu disetiap tahunnya).
Semua pekerja perkebunan menerima bonus lebaran dan gaji disaat yang bersamaan, hal itu membuat mereka sangat senang ketika menerimanya. Sebagai tradisi, mereka merayakan lebaran dengan keluarga dan saudara, sesekali mereka mengunjungi saudara yang tinggal di desa yang berbeda atau saudara mereka mengunjungi mereka. Sebagian besar mereka menggunakan uang mereka untuk membeli pakaian baru dan membuat makanan yang enak dan kue, tetapi hal yang paling penting adalah ketika lebaran Idul Fitri mereka harus membayar “zakat” (sedekah) 2,5 liter beras (tua, muda, kaya, miskin, laki-laki atau perempuan muslim) atau dapat diganti dengan uang (1 liter beras sekitar Rp 6.000 dan setiap orang memberikan beras 2,5 liter atau setara dengan uang Rp 15.000. Jadi jika pekerja kebun memiliki 2 anak, ia harus membayar Rp 60.000), mereka memberikan beras atau uang ke masjid kemudian masjid akan mengumpulkan dan mendistribusikan ke orang miskin 1 hari sebelum lebaran Idul Fitri).


Hal baru di perkebunan Goldteak :

Lokasi desa Cibening menuruni bukit dan perkebunan GoldTeak berada di atas bukit, daerah ini tidak memiliki persediaan air yang cukup selama musim panas dan sejak GoldTeak membuka daerah tersebut, air merupakan suatu masalah, pohon-pohon hanya mendapat air dari air hujan dan 2 mata air yang memiliki sedikit air. Tentu, ketika lahan kering ditanami dengan pohon-pohon, perlahan-lahan pohon akan menjaga air dari hujan. Hal ini tidak mudah untuk memberi informasi atau mendidik penduduk desa untuk mendapatkan air di samping hujan dan mata air, namun beberapa dari pekerja perkebunan berusaha untuk membuat penampungan air di dalam perkebunan. Setelah menggali 6 meter, Parid, Budi dan Kusnadi menemukan sumber air dan mereka berhenti menggali setelah berada di kedalaman 8 meter setelah menemukan banyak air. Pekerjaan ini memberikan motifasi bagi para pekerja perkebunan untuk percaya bahwa ada air di perkebunan dan berharap bisa memberi contoh ke desa lain mengenai pentingnya menanam pohon.





Cibening News From The Field

Lebaran Bonus

The name of guardians who work for Goldteak plantation :

Zaini Lutvi is a site manager.
Parid & Budi are the supervisors.
Guardians: Ganda works at Bumisari plantation and other 20 guardians work at Cibening plantation: Maman, Kudil, Caci, Bana (single), Oleh, Oni, Ater, Aji, Kusnadi, Ajat, Dede P (son of Parid & still single)), Dede M (son of Majun & still single), Adun, Kading, Heni, Deni, Jaji, Sidem, Majun, Andri (single).

Fruit harvest :

Some of the fruit trees are fruiting now but not very productive: 2 Mango trees are fruiting, Sapodilla tree just got the first time fruiting, 2 Lychees trees are fruiting and some of Oranges trees are fruiting. Hope next rainy season all the fruit trees will have fruit. Although the fruit is not much and the quality is not too good (probably still start fruiting) but can be sold.




Lebaran Bonus :

This year all Goldteak’s staffs and guardians received a Lebaran Bonus (THR means Tunjangan Hari Raya = financial support as much as 1 month salary for a religion holiday given to Muslim, Cristian, Budhis, and Hindu once a year).
All guardians received the lebaran bonus and the salary on the same week, so they were very happy when they received it. As tradition, they celebrate the lebaran with the family and relative, sometime they visit their relative at different village or their relative visit them. Mostly they use their money to buy new clothes and make a nice meal and cookies, but the most important thing is when lebaran Eid Fitr they have to pay the “zakat” (alms) 2,5 liter of rice (old, young, rich, poor, male or female muslim) or exchange with the money (1 liter rice is about Rp 6,000 and every one prepare 2,5 liter rice or Rp 15,000. So if the guardian has 2 children, he should pay Rp 60,000), they give the rice or the money to the mosque and the mosque will collect and distribute it to the poor people 1 day before lebaran Eid Fitr).


New well at Goldteak plantation :

The position of Cibening village is down the hill and Goldteak plantation is on the hill, this area does not have much water during hot season and since Goldteak opened the area, water is one of the problem, the trees got water from rain and 2 water spring which has very less water. Naturally, when the dry land is planted with trees, slowly the trees will keep the water from rain. It is not easy to inform or educate the villagers how to get water beside rain and water spring, but finally some of guardians tried to make a weel in the midle of the plantation. After digging 6 meter deep, Parid, Budi and Kusnadi found water and they stop digging after 8 meter deep because they found much water. This work will make an encouragement for other guardians to believe that there is water in the plantation and hope can teach other villager about the importance of planting trees.





Cibening Kunjungan Lapangan

Pohon Tumbuh Sehat

Setiap hari, satu atau dua pekerja mengecek keadaan pohon-pohon, mereka memotong rumput liar yang terdapat di sekitar pepohonan dan memastikan semua pohon-pohon mendapatkan pencahayaan matahari dan nutrisi yang cukup (seperti yang diketahui rumput liar mengambil nutrisi tanah).


Semua pohon-pohon mendapatkan pencahayaan dan air yang cukup, pohon-pohon memiliki diameter batang yang besar dan daun yang lebar.






Setiap bulan akan tumbuh tunas baru dan batangnya akan tumbuh tinggi dan besar.



Saat ini, desa Cibening sudah mulai berkembang maju, bukan hanya secara perekonomian, sosial dan not only the economic, social, dan keagamaan saja; tetapi secara pendidikan mereka sudah mulai maju.


Cibening News From The Field

Trees Grow Well

Every day, one or two guardians check the trees condition, they have to cut the wild grass around the trees and make sure that all tree get enough sun light and get enough nutrition (the wild grass takes the soil nutrition).


All trees have enough sun light and water, they have big trunk and wide leafs.






Every month it will grow new bud and the trunk will grow high and big.



Cibening village now is growing, not only the economic, social, religion but also education.


Bumisari News From The Field

Maintaining the Trees

The teak trees looks healthy and up to now, the trees are well maintained. The simple and basic maintaining is to cut the wild grass, giving enough nutrition like fertilizer and giving pesticide as well.







Bumisari Kunjungan Lapangan

Merawat Pohon Jati

Saat ini pohon-pohon jati sudah terlihat sehat dan menjulang tinggi, hal ini dikarenakan semua pohon-pohonnya dipelihara dengan baik.

Pemeliharaan sederhana dan dasarnya adalah dengan memotong rumput liar, pemberian nutrisi yang cukup seperti pupuk dan pestisida.


The teak trees looks healthy

Saat ini di Bumisari sedang menjalankan kegiatan peningkatan sistem pengairan air disetiap pekannya.



Semua pekerja dalam kondisi sehat.



Expanding Gold Teak

GoldTeak Planted in Poza Rica, Mexico

Since 2006 GoldTeak has started to plant some trees in Poza Rica, Mexico to see whether there’s a possibility to expand a new pilot project to the area. The following pictures are taken on August 2010, and it’s apparent that the trees have grown healthy and tall.




Cibening News From The Field

Teak Plantation in Cibening

To manage the teak plantation is challenging, the maintenance should be done day by day. The guardians have to cut the grass, give fertilizer, check the trees, prune the branches, making the terraces, to measure the diameter and manage the dry leaves. The site manager has to be sure everything is done properly. After one or two years we can see the result of the work, the trees have grown very well and healthy, the hill looks greener.





The life in Cibening has a balance, the trees grow in the same time with the village has developed. Since Goldteak has developed the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs. Not only people in plantation (guardians and their families) received the benefits but also the school community. Some of the guardians have grown vegetable and raise chicken, ducks and goats. School’s teachers taught the students how to plant the vegetables on their school yard (first project on the yard behind the school) after Goldteak gave them seeds (egg plant, spinach and tomatoes), in the last two months they have had their first harvest. The school has sold the vegetables to the parents, they collected some income. Now they are trying by themselves by open the land in the front yard.





If we pay attention the faces of the students several years ago, their present faces looks so much happier. Today they have many activities, beside their regular activities at school they also have another extra activities outside the school time. They can read many books, make some paintings/drawings, plant the green or help their parents to raise chicken, ducks or goats.



When we are talking about students, it means we are talking about all the children in Cibening. Today all the children who are about six or seven years old go to SD Cibening to get their elementary education. The babies and the children who are one to five years old still stay at home with their mother or their family at home. The children who had graduated from elementary school have continued their education to their secondary school outside of Cibening Village.

This year pak Parid’s son Amar Ani, 17 years old, just graduated from his elementary school. Amar Ani is a handicapped person, he has no legs and hands (Indonesia: tuna daksa) since he was born. Big question for his future, why it happened with him when other student graduates their elementary school when they are 11 or 12 years old. His parents (Paris & his wife) tried to treat him as a normal child, but it was not easy. Not many school would like to accept him as a normal person, and to sent him to a special school off course will not be easy, first they do not have much money (Parid has 8 children) and village or bigger village nearby also does not have one.

Nevertheless, they never gave up to gave him a formal education. Now when they want to send him to the secondary school they have a problem. Amar Ani was advised to procure a false (prostetics) arms and legs so he can follow the school activities. Parid’s family needs donators who can help him to support their son, Amar Ani. So he sent a letter to people inPetrolink or anybody who reads his letter who would like to help him.


Bumisari News From The Field

Teaks Grow in Bumisari

The trees at Bumisari plantation look good, they have a good maintenance. The guardian, Rian, works very well. He always cuts the grass and keeps the plantation clean from the garbage. He also made terraces (the area in Bumisari a little bit slippery), so he can check all trees regularly.

He stays in the house with his wife and his two children, sometimes his father or his father in law visited and accompanied his family. The position of the plantation is quite far from the nearest village.




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