SD Cibeureum is a small school, for 6 grades it only has four class rooms and one room for the teachers and the Principal. It does not have any educational facilities like Library, Hall for sport and play, Yard for games. The students do not have opportunity to develop their social knowledge and do exercise. Even books, they have very limited, they only learn from books given by the government and the books should be returned to the school when they have completed half year program.
when they need to buy books, they have to go to book store in Sukabumi, 20 km from Cibening village. Not all students can buy books, because some of their parents do not have money to buy the books.
Five years ago, Goldteak started to donate books for the students as the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program. Almost every month, students receive books (new or used ones including children magazines or recycling manual).
The students usually read the books together during the break or practice to make recycle products with the teachers. This activities have made a big progress for the students, they are more creative and productive.
Like Jacqueline Kennedy said: “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all”.