Since the Covid-19 pandemic last year, the government has changed the way of teaching and learning, no longer attending school but learning online from their homes. Face-to-face online learning programs are not easy, students must have smart mobile devices that have Online Learning applications. The teacher will divide the students into groups, so that face-to-face activities can take turns. This activity is carried out twice a week, for the other three days the students study independently in their homes with customized learning modules.
It has been almost a year since this activity has been carried out, there are many obstacles faced by teachers and students, but they are all still excited about learning.
Learning activities outside of school, such as sports activities, scouting activities and inter-school competition activities can no longer be carried out. Students cannot participate in wits contests in the District or Regency, they feel they have missed the opportunity to compete. If there had been no Covid-19 pandemic, of course last year they would bring some trophies home and put them with other trophies in the principal’s room.
This year Goldteak is holding a drawing/painting and composing competition, all students can take part in this competition. The theme chosen was about the green and healthy village and also studying at home.