Cibening News From The Field

Water for People and Trees


Based on scientific reports it is stated that in the near future West Java, especially
Sukabumi area, will have a water crisis because the water bottling industry has
seriously compromised the water table.

Cibening village and GoldTeak  have experienced this first hand, as the area is one
of the driest in Sukabumi.  People rely on rain water for their rice paddy and
other crops and experience problems during the dry season. They have to get the
water in the next village and share the water for bathing, washing and cooking.
The guardians and villagers have been worried and frustrated.  They believe that
their village has no water, they have even blamed the trees for using their
water.  GoldTeak trees are all tall, the roots grow down deep and they are green
and healthy providing support for the villager’s misguided beliefs.
Last Year, before the rainy season arrived, we asked the guardians to dig a new
well near the eight year old teak trees. They did not want to waste their time or
energy, because there had NEVER been water in that area.  We required them to
try.  After digging only six meters they found water and were able to stop digging
at eight meters.  The well is continually full of clean water.
Goldteak has proved to the people that when trees can live so can the rest of the
environment around them.

The FAO states that:

“Forests and trees make an essential contribution to food security by helping to
maintain the environmental conditions needed for agricultural production. They
stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, enhance the land’s capacity to store water, and
moderate air and soil temperatures.”
Traditionally the villager’s secure the water’s cleanliness through the existence of
insects, frogs and tadpoles. They will begin to use the water when the hot season
comes and Goldteak will help teach them to filter the water so they can use it for
drinking and cooking.
In the near future, Goldteak will have several wells, so people in Goldteak
plantation and the people who live around will have enough water during hot or
drought season.

“ Did the well before you are thirsty” (Chinese Proverb)




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