Cibening News From The Field

Water Supply

Entering the summer season, Cibening village starts to run out of water for cooking and drinking. The wells still contain water but only half, but only for bathing and washing. Some springs still emit water, not much but still help people get water until end of hot season.

Since two months ago, the workers have cleaned the wells in the plantation and dug deeper the springs/reservoirs up the hill to collect more water.

Every summer or dry season, Zaini, the garden manager, always brings water from his area in Cicurug regent to Cibening village. He distributed water for Goldteak’s workers and some of the villagers who need water for drinking and cooking.

Actually there is quite a lot of water in Cibening village, because the reforestation done by PT Goldteak covering an area of 40 hectares will save rainwater. However, because the well is not deep, only six or seven meters, the water that can be taken is not much.



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